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The BALL Project

On Tuesday 29th January 14 volunteers from a variety of companies within the construction industry came into the school. The volunteers were part of a project to ‘Build a Lasting Legacy’ within the construction industry.

Each volunteer supported students with designing an Eco- Sustainable community building. The students worked within teams of 6. They worked together to decide on the type of the building, research the materials they would use and who would benefit from using the building. The teams then presented this to their peers and were judged and scored by the volunteers and the top 3 teams chosen. It was amazing to see every student engaged and working very hard to complete the project, they overcame their fears of presenting and we are very proud of them for showing the Hylands habits of resilience, respect and responsibility.

They should all be very proud of themselves. We cannot wait to see where the next stage takes them.

“I’d just like to say that each of the students that I worked with was very bright, had valuable input, and responded well to even a small amount of positive feedback. They were also very respectful, helped each other where required, and each of them overcame personal obstacles in order to deliver this project for the greater good of the team. It was a pleasure to work with each of them and they  should be very proud of themselves. We will definitely look out for an event such as this one in the future.”