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PE Fixtures at Hylands

Monday 18th March saw a host of PE fixtures at Hylands. We had a Year 8 football match, a Year 8 and 9 netball match and a basketball tournament for Years 7-9.  

The football team played really well against a team made up of 5 Colchester Academy players, and although they did not win, they showed resilience and team work competing until the final whistle. Players of the match Sam, Tao and Oscar. The basketball was a 3 v 3 tournament against Brentwood County High who also started competitive basketball recently and were keen to have some matches. Hylands had 5 teams, including one girls team, and out of the 9 matches, Hylands won 6 of them and drew 2. No players of the match as everyone did so well it was too difficult to choose. The netball matches were a really close contest, with only 2 goals in them throughout the games. But showing resilience to the end both the Year 8 and 9 teams came out as winners by two goals. The Year 9 team had three new players to the team which was great to see, well done to all. Players of the match were Naomi and Ella-May.